Goldsmith Willeke Masterpiece header

Masterpieces and competition jewellery

"Fetish through the millennia": Building a bridge between the faience amulet of the god of thunder, Thor 6,000 BC. and a circuit board made of platin, originating from space travel. "A metamorphoses of the future and the past".
"The little Prince": A whole story told by one peace of jewellery.
"Balance": symbolizes the delicate balance between jwork and family.

Reinhold Willeke and his team regularly take part in competitions with their masterpieces.


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Teaser med 370x170 Meteorit
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Jewellery created by the master´s hand

"Not of this world": Pendant made of meteorite stone, crowned with an Adamas, the hardest gem.
"Blue Motion": double finger ring/ two-finger ring, a fantasy of cut topaz. A moving bearing refracts the light as in the ocean waves. Create something special, go other directions or just think in a new way. We transform visions and ideas into a personal and unique piece of jewellery.

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